Assistant Professor in Biophysics and Machine Learning

The Department of Physics, University of Alberta invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position combining biophysics and machine learning.

They are primarily seeking an emerging scholar to hire at the Assistant Professor level who is committed to excellence in teaching and research, but highly qualified candidates at a more senior level will be considered. Applicants must possess a PhD in physics, biophysics or an appropriately related field and have the potential to develop an innovative and externally-funded research program in biophysics and machine learning.  The successful candidate will build a strong independent research program, develop collaborative relationships, supervise graduate students, and teach physics at the undergraduate and graduate level.

This position is part of a University of Alberta cluster hire in the areas of research strength that include Health, Energy, and Indigenous Initiatives in health and humanities, among others. The successful candidate will be nominated for a Canada CIFAR Artificial Intelligence (CCAI) Chair by the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii). Amii is one of three institutes named in the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy and represents more than 35 artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning researchers at the U of A, as well as CCAI Chairs at post-secondary institutions across Western Canada. The CCAI Chair includes research funding for at least five years.


Successful candidate will are to perform the following responsibilities

  • Build a strong independent research program
  • Develop collaborative relationships
  • Supervise graduate students
  • Teach physics at the undergraduate and graduate level.

Start Date: July 1, 2023.


The University of Alberta provides significant support for employees through valuable assistance and protection programs which include;

  • health and dental plan,
  • vacation and time-off entitlements,
  • medical and other leave entitlements,
  • assistance with life events,
  • pension plan,
  • funding and reimbursement programs, and
  • life insurance benefits.
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Job Requirements

Applicants are to possess the following qualifications:

  • PhD in physics, biophysics or an appropriately related field
  • Track record of peer-reviewed publications in the areas of biophysics and machine learning or evidence of equivalent relevant research experience

However, they encourage women; First Nations, Métis and Inuit persons; members of visible minority groups; persons with disabilities; persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expression; and all those who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas and the University to apply.

Application Process

Applicants for the Assistant Professor position in Biophysics and Machine Learning:

  • A CV,
  • list of publications,
  • statement of research interests,
  • summary of teaching interests,
  • an EDI statement are required, and
  • At least 3 confidential reference letters.

To apply for Assistant Professor in Biophysics and Machine Learning, click here.

Deadline: February 28, 2023.

For more information on Postdoctoral Researcher in the Digital Humanities, visit the official site.

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