Call for Applications: Rahamon Bello Best Ph.D. Thesis Award 2021

The Institute of African and Diaspora Studies (IADS), University of Lagos announces the 2021 call for applications for the Rahamon Bello 2021 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in African and Diaspora Studies.

This award seeks to encourage and appreciate young intellectuals whose Ph.D. theses address African and diaspora issues and the reconfiguration of African Studies. The Rahamon Bello Award also promotes cutting-edge intellectual and multidisciplinary research works in African Studies. The honouree of the award Professor Rahaman Bello is the 11th Vice-Chancellor of the University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria.

Awards: $1,000


  • The applicant(s) must have completed the doctorate degree between June 1, 2019 and June 30, 2021;
  • The applicant’s field of study must be within the Arts/Humanities or Social Sciences, Law, Management Sciences, Education and Alternative / Traditional medicine.

Application Process

To apply for the Rahamon Bello Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, applicants must submit the following documents

  • Updated Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  • Academic status, employment history and publication records;
  • A cover letter / letter of interest stating the motivation to apply for the award;
  • Extended abstract of Ph.D. thesis (maximum 1,500 words)
  • The abstracts must include background of the study, statement of the problem, aim and objectives, scope of the study, significance of the study, etc.
  • Soft copy of the Ph.D. thesis; and
  • Soft copy of Ph.D. certificate.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2021.

For more information about Rahamon Bello Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, visit the official site.

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