IBRO Return Home Fellowships for Young (20,000 euros) 2022

A call for application is open for the IBRO Return Home Fellowships for Researchers in Less Developed Countries 2022

The objective of the IBRO Return Home Program is to enable young researchers from less developed countries, who have studied neuroscience in advanced research centers, to return home to continue an internationally valid scientific activity in brain research.

IBRO is a global association of neuroscience societies with the goal of promoting and supporting neuroscience worldwide through training, education, research, outreach, and engagement activities, as well as the publication of our two journals, Neuroscience and IBRO Neuroscience Reports.

The IBRO Governing Council is made up of more than 90 international, regional, and national scientific members who, along with the IBRO Executive Committee and five Regional Committees, address the needs and advance the work of individual scientists and research communities worldwide. Furthermore, IBRO has collaborations with like-minded scientific organizations to identify priorities and provide assistance.

Grant:  20,000 euros


  • Research students who have been trained in a Center of Excellence in Brain Research (CEBR).
  • Postdoctoral fellows who have finished research training in neurosciences (including clinical research) in a center of excellence of a developed country.
  • Scientists who are developing a successful basic/clinical research career in a developed country and wish to return to their country of origin or to a less developed country for personal or cultural reasons.

Application Process

To apply for IBRO Return Home Fellowships, applicants must submit the following:

  • curriculum vitae
  • Resarch topic
  • Research Information (skills)
  • Supervisors
  • Publications
  • Grants received
  • Neuroscience school attended
  • Provide at least one letter of reference and
  • a Return Home Acceptance Letter
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To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: September 10, 2021.

For more information and application, visit the official site.

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