Post-Doc in Economics for a Project on Climate Hazards and Migration

Applications are welcome for a one-year post-doctoral position in Economics for a Project on Climate Hazards and Migration at the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI), Uppsala (Sweden).

The postdoc will work under the leadership of Senior Researcher Assem Abu Hatab and join several other team members in the project to apply and develop appropriate modelling tools to i) assess the vulnerability of specific demographic groups to climate change impacts; quantify the relationships underlying migration as adaptive responses to socio-environmental change; ii) and investigate anticipated dynamic migration patterns accounting for adaptation and policy responses and their associated feedbacks. Results from the project are expected to appear in reputable academic journals and to be communicated to key stakeholders in the wider society.


In addition to the research tasks, the Post-Doc in Economics for a Project on Climate Hazards and Migration is also expected to

  • contribute to the research environment at the Nordic Africa Institute, including but not limited to participation in the seminar series;
  • engaging in scientific discussions with other researchers;
  • participate in public outreach activities like policy briefs, social media communication; and
  • taking part in the day-to-day related activities as assigned.

Duration: 3 years

Starting Date: September 01, 2023


Salary range 35,000 – 37,000 SEK monthly, subject to skills and experience.

Job Requirements

The successful applicant for the Post-Doc in Economics for a Project on Climate Hazards and Migration must demonstrate:

  • Strong analytical skills in core economic theory and quantitative methods;
  • Advanced analytical skills in data manipulation and quantitative analysis of large datasets; and experience in the use of R, STATA, or another econometrics software;
  • Ability to conduct relevant research of high international quality, and experience of the execution and write-up of independent research projects;
  • Effective interpersonal skills including the ability to contribute effectively as part of a team;
  • Excellent English skills in writing and speaking are required;
  • Speaking Swedish is not a requirement but would be an asset.
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Nevertheless, The successful candidate should have obtained a PhD degree in economics (including development economics, and agricultural economics), or another quantitative social science discipline within three years of the application date.

Application Process

Interested applicants are to send their application via the apply button below and include the following:

  • Resumé/CV including scientific publications, and personal details
  • Educational certificates and/or diplomas
  • A declaration of intent on a maximum of two pages in which the applicant explains why he/she fits the listed requirements
  • Evidence of research activity, including examples of scientific peer-reviewed publications (maximum of three)
  • Up to 2 letters of recommendation 
  • Up to three examples of policy engagement e.g. policy brief, event, blog (optional)
  • Research statement (optional)

 To apply Post-Doc in Economics for a Project on Climate Hazards and Migration, click here.

Deadline: April 02, 2023.

For more information on Post-Doc in Economics for a Project on Climate Hazards and Migration, visit the official site.

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