Postdoc Position: Hazard Assessment of Nanoparticles / Tissue Models, Switzerland 2021

The Adolphe Merkle Institute group of BioNanomaterial’s Calls for application for a postdoc position in the school to carry out research in “hazard assessment of nanoparticles/tissue models”.

The group’s research aims to study the synthesis and characterization of highly complex inorganic nanoparticles designed for biomedical applications and their behavior in biological systems and the interaction with cells, in particular with respect to uptake mechanism, cell response, and intracellular trafficking.

The group will focus on the use of advanced 3D models such as lung and intestine to assess the hazard of nanoparticles. As such, it relies on a variety of tissue engineering approaches, analytical as well as microscopy techniques, both from the material and the biological field.

Location: Switzerland, Fribourg
Duration: 12 months
  • Full funding (according to the SNSF guidelines)
  • Excellent research facilities
  • A one year contract with the possibility for prolongation and – if successful with high impact publications and acquisition of own funding
  • promotion to group leader with the opportunity for a Habilitation
  • Supporting curriculum with many optional courses
  • International environment with English as the working language.

Applicants for this position must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a PhD degree in either, cell biology, tissue engineering, biochemistry, nanoscience.
  • Be inter- and multidisciplinary thinking
  • Have strong motivation and interest to join one an ambitious interdisciplinary research cluster
  • An integrative and cooperative personality with excellent communication and social skills
  • Supervision of Master and PhD students in the group, involvement in teaching activities
  • Fluency in both written and oral English.
Application Process

The application should be emailed to including:

  • Curriculum Vitae,
  • A cover letter, and
  • Contact information of (at least) two references with the subject title “Postdoc position (100%) BioNano group”.
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Application Deadline: October 23,2020

For more information visit the official site.

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